Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Ever felt like you weren't smart!, having problems with reading well,Thomas edison was once like that among others. he had what is called dyslexia(inability to comprehend without pictures) a class dunce yet one of the world's greatest minds. The causes of dyslexia are unclear, but most research focuses on the possibility that differences in individual neurological development result in differences in perception...the way that the brain receives and translates what is seen with the eyes.
Common characteristics of dyslexia are persistent reversals, substitutions, and omissions or additions of letters, syllables or words. There is often a problem with following directions that involve body movement or spatial relationships. The condition can range from mild to severe. Researchers estimate that over 10 percent of children could be identified as dyslexic and qualify for special education, and that, additionally, up to 10 percent of our population has mild dyslexic tendencies.
Even though most people with dyslexia have problems with all forms of written language, researchers tell us that dyslexics are usually well above average in intelligence, and often excel in science and creative arts. Both Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein were dyslexic so, Children should not be written off, as an individual never write yourself off cause you never know you could be the next greatest inventor!!!!!!!!


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